

Achievement Highlights

EMI-related Lectures

Semester No. Date Topic Speaker
112-2 1 2024-03-20 Flipping the EMI Classroom Professor Tao-Yi Wang
112-2 2 2024-04-10 Teaching in English or English as a Medium of Instruction Professor I-Jy Chang
112-2 3 2024-05-02 教學鷹架與情境式學習融入商管EMI課程 Assistant Professor Min-Wen Chang
112-2 4 2024-05-13 從主動到主導:學生本位的人文藝術領域EMI課程設計 Assistant Professor Ko-Ching Chao
112-2 5 2024-05-30 EMI的二三事:在生醫課程的甘苦與小技巧 Associate Professor Chia-Yu Huang

EMI TA Training Sessions

Semester No. Date Topic Speaker
112-2 1 2024-04-24 Enhancing EMI Teaching and Learning: TA Strategies for EMI Classrooms Speaker Kyle Lai
112-2 2 2024-05-10 Tutoring Skills Workshop Speaker Antony Parigoni

EMI Student Events

Semester No. Date Topic Speaker
112-2 1 2024-04-22 From Runway to Global Stage: The Power of Language in International Fashion」 International Fashion Model Hilda Lee
112-2 2 2024-04-23 Taylor Swift: The Power of the Era Speaker Daisy Hsieh

Off-Site Training

Semester Date Nation School Seminar
112-2 2024-06-25 Singapore Nanyang Technological University International STEM Education Conference 2024 Singapore

Enhanced EMI Teaching Skills Award-Awarded Instructors

Semester Date Number of Awarded Instructors
112-2 2024-07-15 15

Outstanding and Excellent EMI Teaching Assistant Award-Awarded Students

Semester Date Number of Awarded Students
112-2 2024-06-11 5