
Semester 112-2

EMI Teaching Skills Enhancement Awarded Instructors

Professor Shao-Ting Hung

Technology Enhanced Language Instruction

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Professor Huei-Wen Ferng

Computer Simulation

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Assistant Professor Yu-Ling Hsu

Human Factors/ Human Factors Practice

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Associate Professor Tzu-chen Tang

Digital Instructional Materials Editing and Production

Assistant Professor Fu-Hsuan Yeh

Advanced Foundation Engineering

Associate Professor Chen-Yu Kao

Drug Delivery Systems

Assistant Professor Duc-Thang Vo

Chemistry (II)

Assistant Professor An-Chi Chen

Higher Intermediate Interpreting

Professor Yu-Qian Zhu

Emerging Information Technologies and Business Innovations

Professor Wei-Chun Hsu

Human Motion Analysis

Professor Yi-Hsuan Lo

Interdisciplinary Creative Thinking and Presentation Workshop

Assistant Professor Yi-Chia Lin, Professor Wei-Chun Hsu

Sports Injury and Prevention Practice (I)

Assistant Professor Chien-Lung Liang

Special Topics in Metallic Materials

Assistant Professor Wei-Wen Hsiao

Biomolecular Engineering

Assistant Professor Shih-Hsien Tseng

Production and Operations Management

Outstanding Teaching Assistant

Margaret Wanjiru Kimanzi

Leo Kao

Aleana Chen

Shelly Yeh

Tina Chiu